A Vote for the Hatikvah Slate is a Vote For An Israel that Lives Up To Its Highest Values

All citizens of the State of Israel must be treated equally, and their civil and human rights protected.​
The policy of permanent occupation and annexation of the West Bank needs to end.
Zionism, gender rights, LGBTQI+ freedom, racial and economic justice are inextricably intertwined.

In working together to bring the hostages home through broad coalition building across nations, political dispositions and an end to the war.
Israelis demanding the advancement of the rights of women, including equal pay for equal work, an end to enforced gender segregation, reproductive freedom and no discrimination against women’s full participation in public events.

Religious and cultural pluralism in Israeli society and in Jewish communities around the globe.
Israelis working for a diplomatic pathway ensuring freedom, security, and sovereignty for both Israelis and Palestinians.

We are proudly Zionist
and proudly progressive.
Turn your progressive Jewish values into tangible policies that have real and substantive effect on Israeli Society and World Jewry.
The World Zionist Congress elections directly impact the flow of more than $1,000,000,000 of the Jewish people’s money annually. Every vote determines how these funds are spent.
Sponsored and Led by
Proudly Endorsed by

Hatikvah Slate encompasses rabbis, political, social and environmental activists, academics, artists and others who have joined together to best represent you and your vision for a progressive Israel and world Jewry
* Ameinu and Americans for Peace Now merged to become the New Jewish Narrative on 12/06/2024. This is still subject to regulatory review and approval the receipt and timing of which cannot be guaranteed or predicted.